Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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I’ve always believed that a person can’t write a novel all the way to the end and not be changed by the experience.

Maybe that’s why I’ve never written an entire story. Maybe I’ve feared the challenges that would come my way, the ones requiring me to grow and mature in ways I didn’t feel capable of.

Maybe I’ve even worried that grace wouldn’t meet me in those last pages, that I’d be left there to sink or swim alone, when swimming isn’t my strong suit.

In the past month, my writing life has changed dramatically. My life has, too.

When I decided to finish this novel once and for all, my husband simply said, “I’ll help you.” Now it used to be when he volunteered to read my chapters, I’d cringe. He’s so talented, so creative, so accomplished that I could hardly bear for him to look at my work.

The thing is, he’s never failed to encourage me in every way he could. He’s been nothing but supportive since I started this crazy venture.

But until this past month, I couldn’t receive what he offered.

As it turns out, Doug is the BEST editor a girl could ever have. Every night, after I’ve worked as many hours as I’m able, he takes over. I fall asleep next to him with the happy music of him keying proverbial red ink in the margins.

It used to be I couldn’t sleep when I heard him typing corrections, changing my words, perhaps even altering the deepest thoughts of my heart. Now I can’t wait for him to take over, to make his suggestions, so I can revise the next day with his edits in mind.

Hard to believe, but after me attempting to write this book for several years, I’ve found my dream editor. He was here beside me the whole time, waiting for me to receive the free gift of a gracious husband. Waiting for me to lay down my insecurities and nutty fears of rejection so that together, we could accomplish something grand.

A major theme in my story is that no matter how long a man and wife live together, imagining past hurts may never heal, there’s hope. And grace to change.

I’m a changed woman. I trust my husband in ways I didn’t think possible. And I’m here to tell you: Doug Raymond is my Best Friend Forever.

Posted by Katy on 09/18/07 at 09:56 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katy, I have to admit, you got a good one. I'm anxious to hear more about your book. You and Doug have always been a good twosome, but I think you may be coming into your prime!
    Posted by Mary Anne Green  on  09/18/07  at  10:40 AM
  2. I don't often stop by, but I'm so glad I did today. What a wonderful post.
    Posted by Beverly  on  09/18/07  at  12:01 PM
  3. Awww, Katy, what a sweet tribute to your BFF hubby. You're very fortunate to have that kind of support. The men in my house think it's cool that I write, but they're not interested in reading my words until they're published.

    You're right about writers being changed once a novel is finished. My recently-completed novel showed me how important communicating with those you love is so vital for lasting relationships.
    Posted by Lisa Jordan  on  09/19/07  at  08:14 AM
  4. That is an AWESOME post.
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  09/19/07  at  09:18 AM
  5. Tricor | Avapro | Glyburide | Hyzaar | Relafen | Help! Save Three Babies HIGH PROFILE CRIMINAL CASE. THREE BABIES LOOSE THEIR MOTHERS.
    Posted by Stanik  on  11/05/07  at  06:17 PM
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