Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Balancing Act

The caller to Dr. Laura had been living with her boyfriend for two years, and had found out through several people that he referred to her as his "friend from work." She was devastated.

"He doesn't think of you as a keeper," Dr. Laura said. "Why don't you leave him?"

"I'm scared to be without him," the caller said. "I'm scared to start over."

"Would you rather be permanently used or temporarily scared?"

This got me thinking about similar exchanges a person might be asked to weigh.

For instance, seven or eight years ago, I had several book proposals considered by publishers, and then had them subsequently fall through the cracks. The proposals, not the publishers. My ideas weren't formally rejected or completely accepted; rather, they were positively appraised before becoming irretrievably lost.

This process made me feel oddly invisible, a feeling I hesitate to reproduce by submitting my current book ideas to publishers today.

"Would you rather be permanently unpublished or temporarily invisible?"

I really hate invisible, but it's got to hurt less than unpublished, so that's my choice.

How about you? How would you fill in the blanks after the words permanently and temporarily?
Posted by Katy on 04/25/03 at 01:57 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Ouch.
    Posted by katy  on  04/25/03  at  04:12 PM
  2. that's difficult... most of the time it's easier to be in the middle ground. neither black nor white.
    Posted by Linnor  on  04/25/03  at  10:08 PM
  3. Ooh. Good question. Would I rather be permanently sold-out, or temporarily insignificant?
    Posted by Ellen  on  04/25/03  at  11:48 PM
  4. Linnor, Sometimes I have to jolt myself with a black-and-white question to make myself take action. I'm slow that way!<br><br>Ellen, The first thing I thought of when I awakened this morning was your answer.
    Posted by katy  on  04/26/03  at  10:04 AM
  5. Yeah, it's one of the issues I wrestle with a lot...
    Posted by Ellen  on  04/26/03  at  03:58 PM
  6. would you rather be temporarily poorpoorpoor while living the life you feel compelled to live, or be permanently (at least for the forseeable future) employed in a job that steals the time to consider the meaning of "vocation"?<br><br><br>oh, and katy: invisibility can be fun. you have more freedom to create without pressure.
    Posted by annie  on  04/27/03  at  09:31 AM
  7. Wow, tough questions. I could go either way. I prefer to live for God, and do as He needs!
    Posted by Jake  on  04/27/03  at  05:33 PM
  8. I just read this and don't really have a good this or that...it just reminded me of a book I read a year or two ago about a young boy who goes on a quest. On the way he sojourns with a shop-keeper who actually likes the idea of a quest more than a quest and so never leaves. Thus, he cannot be disappointed. He haunts me. The book is called "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coehlo.
    Posted by Tim  on  04/27/03  at  05:42 PM
  9. i don't have an answer to your question, but i had a dream last night which featured you and your daughter (difficult, as i don't know what either of you look like). your daughter was helping me lead a bible study for some younger girls. lol. i hope it is a sign of something good. :)
    Posted by kari  on  04/28/03  at  01:53 PM
  10. Tim, I will read The Alchemist, though even the idea of it haunts me already. Thanks!<br><br>Annie, I knew you would think thusly...<br><br>Jake, I do, too. But He does sometimes jolt me with questions...<br><br>Kari, Scroll down a ways to a post about my Carrie, and you will see her photo. She'd love to help you teach those girls!
    Posted by katy  on  04/28/03  at  08:41 PM
  11. oh, good. well, maybe it was our "matching" names that made her come to mind. :)
    Posted by kari  on  04/29/03  at  06:52 PM
  12. whoa...what happened to your more recent posts, katy?
    Posted by bethany  on  05/05/03  at  09:06 PM
  13. Bethany, Now you're scaring me! I just added two post this morning, May 6. I hope you're seeing them!
    Posted by katy  on  05/06/03  at  09:55 AM
  14. How about .. Permanently temporary or temporarily permanent
    Posted by Tom  on  05/07/03  at  05:31 AM
  15. Whoa, Tom! It's early in the morning, and I was going to try to go back to sleep. Now I'm not sure I can!
    Posted by katy  on  05/07/03  at  05:57 AM
  16. Page 1 of 1 pages
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