Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Baby Got Bad Back

My poor fellow, who’s only been sick about three days in his life, has gotten himself into a bona fide situation.

I can’t remember how much I shared about the lead-up to our daughter Carrie’s wedding, but let me just say it was nuts. We decided at rather the last minute to go to Kevin’s college graduation in Switzerland. A six-day whirlwind trip. Doug had been complaining about his lower back and legs for several weeks before we took the trip, but he soldiered on.

He wasn’t better by the time we got home, and then—out of jealousy over all the attention he was getting, I’m sure—I did some crazy move resulting in me throwing my back totally out. I ended up IN BED for days, then up and barely able to walk. By then, Carrie’s wedding was a mere week away.

One night, in desperation, I called the doc after hours. Actually, I talked to his partner, a man I’ve never met. I explained that my daughter’s wedding was right around the corner, and I couldn’t move. I’ll never forget what he said to me, because it was SO condescending and made me cry with frustration.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but there IS no magic shot.”

OK, this isn’t about me. It’s about Doug. Tomorrow, Doug is getting the magic shot. An epidural to ease the discomfort of one of the bulging discs, the one pinching the nerve and causing terrible pain down both legs. The magic shot works wonders for about 80% of everyone. I am glad Doug will get a chance to be one of those people.

It’s been four months of pain for my guy. I feel really bad for him, because he’s just not used to living like this. (We danced like fools at Carrie and Marc’s wedding, in case you’re wondering. Eventually, the piper must be paid, but not that night. No way!)

On Saturday, Carrie came over to get some large items she needs to set up her classroom for the kiddos. I haven’t been letting Doug do any heavy lifting, so Carrie and I hefted an enormous doll house out to the driveway.

I pulled my shoulder all out of joint, and now the pain there is on a kind of continuum with the constant pain of the herniated discs in my neck and my 23-year-long migraine.

I’m pretty sure if I called the doctor about it, though, I’d get told there is no magic shot. What do you think?

Posted by Katy on 08/27/07 at 07:27 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I think I'd find another doctor.
    Posted by Michael Main  on  08/27/07  at  09:58 AM
  2. i think you ought to go on hiatus from doing things that may self injure, and spend some serious time with say, the bbc's pride & predjudice and some really good chocolate...
    Posted by lisa  on  08/27/07  at  09:25 PM
  3. I hope the shots work for Doug. I, of course, was one of the 20% that they DIDN'T work for...go figure. I'm thinking of him.
    Posted by Bridget  on  08/28/07  at  05:10 AM
  4. My mom has a herniated disc too. Eh! She goes to physical therapy which she said helps. She has to pay a copay though and three times a week over a long period of time adds up. She isn't suposed to do lifting either but they are moving so of course she is doing it some anyway.
    Posted by Lynnell Hayes  on  08/28/07  at  08:09 AM
  5. Oh, dear, I do hope the both of you can get some much-needed relief. That 'out-of-whack' back stuff is excruciating. {{{hugs}} Remind me not to call that doctor!
    Posted by Vicki  on  09/04/07  at  09:39 PM
  6. Thanks for your kind remarks, everyone! Finally, Doug had his first shot this morning.....hope it works for him!
    Posted by Katy  on  09/05/07  at  11:42 AM
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