Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Another Weekend, Another Wedding

There's a strange period in life that starts when you're approximately thirty years old and ends around your forty-fifth birthday. Most people won't do you the favor of giving you advance notice about this phenomenon. But I'm not most people.

Before the age of thirty, it's likely that you and a ton of your friends will get married and have children of your own. During those fantastic years of youth and vigor and charm and beauty when you're in your twenties, you'll go to a wedding every weekend all summer long. You'll throw showers and bachelor parties for your buddies, and cycle through enough bridesmaid dresses and tuxedos to open your own gently-worn boutique.

While you're totally occupied with the raising of your own children, though, you'll find yourself invited to very few weddings. Very. Very. Few. You'll feel a little out of it, frankly. "Why don't I get invited to anything fun anymore?" you might ask. It's because all of your friends are in the same boat, that's why. If you ask around, none of them are partying down, either. They don't own a single dressy outfit that fits, except for the one they keep on hand in case some old-timer croaks.

The years will pass. You will not have time to glance in a mirror during your thirties and forties, and perhaps that is for the best. And then, finally, when the first peer of your oldest child becomes engaged, the invitations will start flowing again and won't stop until...well, I'm not sure when.

Even I'm not that old yet.

Here's the really strange part about all this: When the invites start trailing in--slowly at first but picking up speed as all your own children reach marriageable age--you won't quite realize how much time has passed since you were the cute thing in the halter dress catching the bouquet or the handsome young man peeling the garter from his bride's leg with his teeth.

In fact, unless you're paying attention, you'll put on your party clothes, look in the mirror, and believe with all the sincerity in your heart that you're a genuine hottie. You'll see the same gorgeous thing smiling back at you that you last took a good look at fifteen years ago.

You'll imagine--trust me on this--that no time at all has elapsed since you first took on the world. You will not realize until you arrive at the wedding and find that your entire generation has been displaced by young, vigorous, charming, and beautiful specimens--all of whom are your children's ages--that you are over the hill.

When this happens to you, as it surely will, do not despair! All is not lost! Console yourself with your fond memories and a few fast dances. Remember this: for all its wants, maturity has the distinct advantage of having experienced every age up to and including the one you're experiencing now.

Who else but an old chick can remember when she looked really good and, at the very same time, imagine that she still does?
Posted by Katy on 07/23/05 at 03:03 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Now, come on, are you saying we didn't look hot tonight? Now, really?! Didn't you see the sweat pouring off of me? I'd say that was pretty darn hot... LOL. :)

    By the way, Doug made my night by saying I looked "beautiful." He always knows just the right thing to say, and I love him for it.
    Posted by Bridget  on  07/24/05  at  07:19 AM
  2. Bridgie--We were hot, all right. Heat-strokin' hot, baby!! You looked cute on the dance floor, I must say. Aunt Peggy and I enjoyed watching you "kids."

    Doug knows a babe when he see one, and I admire his good taste in women! :)
    Posted by Katy  on  07/24/05  at  04:15 PM
  3. Funny thing, but I'm figuring this out for myself. My daughter is 23. Two of her best friends from high school are getting married, back to back, this weekend and next.

    The fun's only just re-begun...
    Posted by Jennifer  on  07/25/05  at  12:54 AM
  4. Jennifer--What a great line! "The fun's only just re-begun." You are so right. I've been throroughly enjoying your blog this morning. Thanks for commenting here...
    Posted by Katy  on  07/25/05  at  03:14 PM
  5. we're in a funny place regarding this..we're in our early thirties, but way ahead of the curve as far as having kiddos, it seems. our oldest just turned ten at the beginning of july. we also have friends that run the gamut from college aged to forty something, and we can hang out with just about anyone. somehow this craziness in our social structure has evened out our getting-invitied-to-graduations-and-weddings-ness..it's generally a couple of handfuls a year, and has been that way for a long time. as far as aging through the process, we're told all the time that we look young and are just lately starting to appreciate the fact...
    Posted by lisa  on  07/27/05  at  04:20 PM
  6. Lisa--I know there are many exceptions to my observation. You are definitely one! Bridgie is also one, I think. She's the youngest of my siblings, 13 years younger than I am, so she's been going to the weddings of her nieces and nephews for years now. Her oldest child is near 16. When Scott was 16, weddings were few and far between for us!
    Posted by Katy  on  07/28/05  at  05:30 PM
  7. If your pictures looked great then don't worry about the dress. But if your dress was not the only problem then talk to your hubby about it!! Another wedding just for the dress but still got great pictures no unless you like spending money!! That just seems like a waste to me. What did you do with the first dress? Maybe you can have your dress fixed & take pictures in that?
    Posted by copper sinks  on  08/18/09  at  11:11 AM
  8. Every period of human's life is perfect in it's own way.
    We have to be happy all the life long.
    I think, this is the goal of whole life — to become happy. And to be.
    Posted by wedding photographer Vadim Uvazhny  on  08/24/09  at  06:10 AM
  9. I agree with copper sinks. Think about it and then make a decision. You can do it.
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    Posted by Miami Wedding Band  on  08/26/09  at  02:34 AM
  10. While you're totally occupied with the raising of your own children, though, you'll find yourself invited to very few weddings. Very Very Few... You'll feel a little out of it..
    Posted by complete tuxedos  on  10/23/09  at  04:34 AM
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