Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Another Day, Just Not Another Dollar

"Don't you think she should have been something?"

Mom had just introduced two of my sisters to the RN at the assisted living place where she lives. I've met the nurse before, so after the intros, I began to ask her some questions about Mom's medications. Every once in a while, I sound like I know what I'm talking about, and Mom pounced on the opportunity to point out my career shortcomings.

Lisa the nurse looked at me speechlessly and my sisters, from their positions behind Mom, rolled their eyes.

Like always, I attempted to explain my mother's remarks and, as usual, I failed.

"My siblings have always had outside-the-home careers," I said, "and I haven't."

Never mind the fact that I help my husband run a successful web design business and have been hammering away at developing my writing for many, many years. And there's no point whatsoever in throwing in volunteer activities: With my mom, those just don't count.

My mother describes me variously to her doctors, tax preparers, and hospital admissions clerks as her "driver," her "note-taker," and her "daughter who doesn't work."

I let her chatter on about how I should have "been something" for a minute to the RN, who was by now obviously dumbstruck, before I finally broke her litany by saying, "Mom, I am something."

Mom waited for me to explain, but if she doesn't understand by now, she never will.

As crazy as it sounds--even to me sometimes--I have purposefully structured my life in such a way that I have "margin," time and space enough around the have-to obligations of life to have something leftover to give away for free. I love having the time and grace (and occasionally even the energy) to say yes when someone needs me. The person I end up saying yes to most often is my mom.

Ironic, huh?

I can't worry about what she thinks of me. I've got the time, but that's not how I'm going to spend it. She needs help, and I intend to give it to her, no matter how she might choose to introduce me.

Still, I plan to keep asking God what He thinks. If He thinks I'm something--or, better yet, someone--it's all good.

And I'm pretty sure He does.
Posted by Katy on 02/23/05 at 10:01 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katy,
    You're "something" in God's book -- and in my book, too. Raising your children to love and serve God, pursuing the talents God has given you, and being available to say 'yes' when He presents opportunities for service -- these are pursuits of eternal importance. When you stand before Him, you will have wonderful acts of service to present to Him in worship. No one takes their MBA or resume to heaven!
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  02/23/05  at  06:49 PM
  2. Hey, with the obviously glorious relationship you share with Doug, and the way it's so transparent how your kids feel about you, I'd say you've DONE and ARE the highest priority of things. Those things are eternal, and - though we strive to leave the Earth a better place and "make a difference before we die", aren't our relationships our true living legacies? I think so...
    Posted by Staci  on  02/23/05  at  09:33 PM
  3. I can only hope to have that type of lifestyle - it's what I'm working towards!

    I just read a devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries today that dealt with this very issue - our value and worth as women. In my own life, I have been dealing with that in the past two weeks.

    Thank you for your post! It is another confirmation in my life as to what God is working out and speaking to me.
    Posted by Christy  on  02/24/05  at  04:44 AM
  4. Your mom sounds like my mom. PARENTS!!!... Katy, you are definitely something ;)
    Posted by irene  on  02/24/05  at  05:08 AM
  5. Katy,

    Have you considered formatting your archives and giving "Fallible" a beautiful leather binding, then giving it to your mom as a gift?

    Just a thought . . .
    Posted by Michael OConnor  on  02/24/05  at  09:45 AM
  6. Oh, Lord...Mom would then read everything you've written about her! Egads...that would never do! LOL. :)
    Posted by Bridget  on  02/24/05  at  04:44 PM
  7. I'm pretty sure your mom does, too. Even if it doesn't come out that way. Don't be fooled. Moms know.
    Posted by Jennifer  on  02/24/05  at  11:28 PM
  8. You guys are great. Maybe I misunderstand what my mom means when she says this stuff, or don't see what's underneath her words. All I know for sure is that I want to please God, and that faith is where pleasing Him begins.

    Michael O--I did give her a computer print-out of the novel I wrote and she read every word and was really sweet with her comments. It was fun for both of us.

    I could use a POD publisher to do a few Fallible or Fallible/Marginal books. I found one that has a 25 book minimum...
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  02/25/05  at  01:22 PM
  9. I love your blog. I just came across it and plan to read 1 or 2 posts a day. I will try to comment as often as

    possible. Keep up the good work! Thanks a bunch.
    Posted by Part Time MBA  on  11/19/08  at  09:37 AM
  10. Another day would be another dollar again. Coz everyday we work and we earn.
    Posted by air conditioners indianapolis  on  05/17/12  at  09:28 PM
  11. Page 1 of 1 pages
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