Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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An Ode To John Denver

Say what you will about John Denver, he had a way of making even those of us who weren’t on a Rocky Mountain High feel pretty darned good about life. I still frequently catch myself humming a tune of his, and if in my old age a few of the words have slipped my mind, I substitute whatever’s handy.

Here’s the way I reinvented Sunshine On My Shoulder in the shower this morning:

Mildew on my ceiling makes me snappy.
Mildew near my skylight, oh so high.
Mildew in the morning, I feel crappy.
Mildew almost always makes me cry.

If I find the cure for common mildew,
I’ll give to you the wisdom of my years.
If I find the answer to the blight I face
I’ll give you more than misery and tears.

Mildew in the shower, I’m not happy.
Mildew under every grout and tile.
Mildew makes me crave another frappe.
Mildew almost never makes me smile.

If I manage to get rid of mildew,
I promise you my method I will share.
If I blow this pop stand bound for Caribou,
I’ll make a wish that you will meet me there.

Mildew in the morning, I’m still singing.
Mildew in the middle of the day.
Mildew sounds like sinister ka-chinging.
Mildew almost always makes me pray.

Mildew almost all the time…makes me pray.

Posted by Katy on 08/10/07 at 07:22 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. :)

    Peet's, please... make mine a large soy Cap, I'm gonna need something strong - I think it's gotten into the drywall in my bathroom. :(
    Posted by Chris(tine)  on  08/10/07  at  10:35 AM
  2. Chris(tine)--Mine, too! One wall is definitely affected--maybe more. I've got my iced Americano (3 shots reg, 3 de) beside me, and still don't feel sufficiently bolstered. Sheesh.
    Posted by Katy  on  08/10/07  at  12:26 PM
  3. I am sooooOOOoo tempted to post a few parody lyrics that made the rounds following J. Denver's tragic death, but it would be too crass....
    Then I thought I could give a subtle hint as to how to google them up and found an entire website devoted to parody's of John Denver song lyrics (the really crass one I remember isn't there). You can actually submit yours at: http://www.amiright.com/parody/performers/j/johndenver.shtml

    I didn't see any related to mildew, so the category seems wide open. :)
    Posted by Michael Main  on  08/10/07  at  01:17 PM
  4. Goodness, I could hear that playing in my head... (I'm not too young to know John Denver!!!!! teeheehee)
    Posted by Sunflower  on  08/11/07  at  10:14 AM
  5. Michael--I had NO idea such sites existed. (I really don't get out much.) And to think with all those parodies, no one else on earth looked up in the shower, had the words "mildew on my ceiling" go through her head, and didn't automatically put it to the tune of Sunshine? NO ONE? Weird, huh?

    Sunflower--You are amazing. I did ask my 22-year-old if he'd heard of John Denver or this particular song. He drew a complete blank, and he knows a lot of old music. I'm glad it worked for you!
    Posted by katy  on  08/13/07  at  06:15 AM
  6. The information found by me on this site appeared very useful! Thanks to the owner!
    Posted by Downjourneyman  on  12/05/07  at  02:51 AM
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