Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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A Very Super Tuesday For One Fallible Woman

OK, in my previous post called The Evolution of the Rejection Letter, I kind of neglected to mention something.

But as of right this minute, I am abandoning my neglectful ways! I have a story to tell you, and—even though I’m still so thrilled I can hardly see straight—I’m reasonably sure it’s all true.

Around January 1, coinciding with the time I was busy dropping out of the Psych classes I’d enrolled in largely because of frustration with my stalled writing career, I got an email from a dear author buddy.

“Send me your proposal and three chapters,” she said, “and I’ll forward them on to an agent friend of mine.”

Now, if you’ve ever tried to get an agent (I’ve made four previous attempts), you may realize that a referral from a respected author can make a big difference. I didn’t want to blow this chance, so I worked on my chapters yet again until I felt like they were in really good shape. Then I flinched and hit “send.”

Last Friday, my friend cc’d me a copy of the email she sent to the agent. She’d included a short but VERY sweet comment about me. I would say it made me blush, but unless I’m looking in a mirror seeing red, that would be an unacceptable use of point-of-view. Ha.

Anyway, since then Rachelle Gardner of WordServe Literary has read my materials, emailed, and called me on the phone.

“Send me the rest of your book,” she said, after we talked more than an hour. “But I won’t be able to read it until March 1.”

I spoke over her as she continued to talk, and when I realized it, I said, “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

And she laughed and then said very seriously, “Katy. Listen. To. Me. I am offering you representation.”

Then I said something stupid like, “Um…starting when?”

And she said, “I’ll get the agreement in the mail in the next couple of weeks, but I’d like to be your agent starting today.”

I was stunned half to death. (Maybe further, it’s hard to say. Death is funny like that.) We chatted some more about how to get the rest of my book ready to submit and then I said, “Rachelle, I have to ask this directly, so there’s no confusion. What EXACTLY do I say when I’m telling my friends and family and fallible readers what’s just happened during this conversation?”

And SHE said the most delightful words I’ve heard, maybe, EVER. “Tell them, I HAVE AN AGENT.”

So that’s what I’m telling you! Let it ring from the fallible rooftop: 

!!!!!!  I HAVE AN AGENT !!!!!!

Thanks to all of you who have continued to believe that maybe SOMEDAY this might actually happen for me. Your encouragement means so much!

And Rachelle, it’s my highest hope to do you proud.

Posted by Katy on 02/06/08 at 12:42 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Congrats, well-deserved
    Posted by suzan  on  02/06/08  at  01:50 PM
  2. Girl, not even read the whole book and a phone call! You go, sister. We truly do serve an awesome God. I'll be posting my Rachelle story soon. In the meantime, this is you and me jumping up and down!.
    Posted by Christa Allan  on  02/06/08  at  02:03 PM
  3. That is fantastic.

    Take Care
    Posted by Michael #2  on  02/06/08  at  02:40 PM
  4. Yay, Katy! What thrilling news. I'm going to remember this when the time comes for me to find an agent. Thanks for sharing your journey to this exciting point. Can't wait to see what magic Rachelle makes for your debut novel.
    Posted by Kelley  on  02/06/08  at  03:25 PM
  5. That's awesome, Katy! Congratulations. :)
    Posted by Jeanne Damoff  on  02/06/08  at  04:42 PM
  6. Woo hoo - glad the cat's out of the bag and we can all rejoice with you. :)
    Posted by Carrie K.  on  02/06/08  at  06:11 PM
  7. I never doubted you would get an Agent! Your dream will come to pass, Katy! I'm sure of it!
    Posted by amber  on  02/06/08  at  06:38 PM
  8. Congratulations! Hallelujah!
    Absolutely fantastic! So happy for you! How many more exclamations can I come up with? Glory to God! Woot! :)
    Posted by Anne  on  02/06/08  at  06:48 PM
    Posted by Cate Gardner  on  02/07/08  at  09:39 AM
  10. That' s great news....I knew you would get published someday. I'm looking forward to reading the first of many books.
    Posted by Mary Anne Green  on  02/07/08  at  04:59 PM

    Congratulations, Katy. It couldn't happen to a nicer gal.
    Posted by Jennifer  on  02/07/08  at  05:16 PM
  12. Yes! So happy for you Katy! Great news!!
    Posted by lisa  on  02/08/08  at  06:49 AM
  13. I'm really proud of you. When are we havin' that Irish chat?
    Posted by Patti  on  02/08/08  at  05:21 PM
  14. Suzan--There is nothing better than a kindred-spirit friend. Thank you.

    Christa--It's been so fun to "meet" you through this process! Please point me toward your story when you post it, so I don't forget to look....

    Michael #2--For the sake of newbies to fallible, I've got to say this: One day I counted how many Michaels commented here (even if it was only once!) and I came up with 6. I then numbered them in order of when they first started commenting. Michael Main is #1, and Take Care Michael is #2. These guys have been checking in here nigh unto FOREVER. Thank you, Michael #2, for your faithful encouragement. You are a blessing!

    Kelley--I told someone that me finding an agent happened very suddenly, kind of like someone is said to have died "very suddenly!" after being ill for a long, long time.... :) No matter HOW it happens, or how long or short a time it takes, it's a wonderful part of the publishing story. I hope it happens to you!

    Beautiful Jeanne of the Jubilee--You are so sweet. You're making me miss you, bad.

    Carrie K--You have been such a cheerleader for me. Thanks for helping me to keep trying!!

    Amber--I just checked your site and your photography is AMAZING. You are quite the talented girl....Thank you for your kind comment.

    Anne--"Woot!" OK, what LANGUAGE is that??? Ha. So funny. Thank you for your generous and effusive enthusiasm. You are a fun girl.

    Cate--I appreciate your congrats!! Thank you for reading here, too.... :)

    Mary Anne--This first book isn't about "the old neighborhood," but I do have a book idea in mind that would relate to our growing up time.....I think of you when I work on the proposal, because you are my ideal audience for it....

    Jennifer--You are so kind!!! Thank you so much for all the lovely comments you've added to fallible over its life.....I appreciate you.

    Lisa--If YOUR books are any indication (considering Rachelle has edited a few), I think I am in good hands. Love you to pieces!!

    Patti--Let's strike up an email trade!! I did NOT realize your book had sold!! Had that happened when we met at conference last year? So great! Cannot wait to read it.....
    Posted by Katy  on  02/08/08  at  06:16 PM
  15. that is so kind, katy! thank you!
    Posted by amber  on  02/08/08  at  11:44 PM
  16. Whee-ha, Katy! I am so excited for you!
    Posted by Lynn Raymond  on  02/09/08  at  05:53 PM
  17. what great news! i am excited for you!
    Posted by joshua  on  02/09/08  at  11:05 PM
  18. Can i share this with my creative writing class or point them to your blog? (the class is online this semester) I think it will make it more REAL for them. A great big congratulations. Terri
    Posted by Terri  on  02/10/08  at  09:39 PM
  19. I can't remember what # I am, but no matter...CONGRATULATIONS! That is so very cool. And well told too.
    Posted by michael snyder  on  02/10/08  at  10:18 PM
  20. Amber--You are welcome!! :)

    Lynn--You are a sweetie. To put up with me in your family for 31 years now, and still be excited for me??? That's pretty amazing!

    Joshua--Wonders really DO never cease, huh? Thank you.

    Terri--I would love to give my fellow students (Terri was my Creative Writing teacher, everyone!) an idea of how crazy GREAT it feels when one piece of the publishing puzzle falls into place. Send them on over, and thank you, Terri. You are a wonderful teacher and a huge support.

    Michael #5--Bless you!!! (BTW, you squeezed in before Michael Duran, both of you right after the ACFW conference one year. Which year? I have NO idea!!! But I DO know The Six Michaels Who Comment Here!! ;) Can't wait to interview you on fallible, Mike. My readers will love hearing about you and your nutty novel.
    Posted by katy  on  02/11/08  at  06:27 AM
  21. Katy, I am so glad I decided to look you up on a day you have great news! Do not forget your friends from the Dart who always knew you to be talented. Love, Lori
    Posted by Lori  on  02/12/08  at  09:28 PM
  22. CONGRATULATIONS, Katy!!! Am so glad and excited for you!! Woohoooo!!!
    Posted by Sunflower  on  02/12/08  at  11:30 PM
  23. Lori--Girl!!! You know what? I still have many editions of The Dart. And WHY didn't I work on the paper with you girls??? I was intimidated by journalism at the time, I remember. Not that taking typing boosted my self-esteem! Ha. I love you and miss you.....

    Sunflower--THANK YOU!! You are a true joy, and have always been such an inspiration in my writing life. I admire you!
    Posted by Katy  on  02/13/08  at  07:21 AM
  24. I too have a Rachelle story that blessed me to pieces. She linked me to your post. I can't wait to hear more. Going to read your second post.

    God bless the work of your hands and heart.
    Posted by Tiffany Stuart  on  02/27/08  at  02:11 PM
  25. Tiffany--Welcome here, and major congrats on your "Rachelle Story." :) I am going to check out your site to find out more.....Very exciting!
    Posted by Katy  on  02/29/08  at  07:17 AM
  26. very interesting...
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    Posted by Joey Brown  on  03/03/08  at  01:57 AM
  27. Page 1 of 1 pages
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