Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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A Real Hoot

reason enoughThe Independence, Missouri, City Council had their hands full this week.

They voted on whether or not Hooter's Restaurant could occupy a space in their fair town. The opposition included a conservative Christian church which happens to congregate on the block in question.

Hooter's won out. In the words of a representative of the City Council, "Morality is not a good enough reason to stop progress."

Who comes up with this stuff?
Posted by Katy on 01/26/03 at 04:36 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Ain't it the truth? I think the word they meant to use was "development." Ah, semantics.
    Posted by katy  on  01/26/03  at  06:18 PM
  2. progress towards what, exactly?
    Posted by lisa  on  01/27/03  at  03:00 AM
  3. But Jesus didn't preach only to the saints in the temples. He went into the cities and His message was for all to hear. Why would this church want to keep only the "pure" in their community?
    Posted by Dawn  on  01/27/03  at  04:45 PM
  4. Dawn--Perhaps the ministry of this church will undergo a shift toward reaching out to its new neighbors. (Of course, for all I know, they do that already.) And I agree that would be what Jesus would do.
    Posted by katy  on  01/27/03  at  04:56 PM
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