Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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A Mother Remembers

First of all, I hope you all know that I am NOT the type of chick to laugh at my husband’s misfortune. Okay, maybe occasionally if he loses a golf game to his sisters or his 14-year-old nephew, but that’s different.

I do NOT laugh at pain. Lord knows, I’ve experienced enough of it myself, and Doug is the most sympathetic and kind man in the world when it comes to helping me deal with pain. I think he would say I show him the same kindness.

It’s just the word bursitis that got me. And yes, Christa in the Comments is right: Bursitis would make an excellent name for a Dude Ranch! Something about the word tickles me so much with its The Real McCoy sound and good-old-boy feeling that I half-expected the doctor to ask Doug if “Arthur” had paid him any visits yet.

I told my mother over the phone about the diagnosis of bursitis and she perked up considerably. Old people really can’t relate to the stuff I’ve got. When I mentioned to my mother that I’ve got Trigeminal Neuralgia, her eyes glazed over. But good old-fashioned bursitis? That’s something she knows all about. Just hearing the word made her feel like a with-it young woman.

“Why, my mother had that right when your dad and I got married,” she said. Mom can’t remember what she had for breakfast, or even if she had breakfast, but the medical history of Grandma in 1950? Oh, yeah.

“How long did it take to get better?” I asked, because I REALLY AM concerned about my husband.

“A full year,” she said. “And then, darned if her other shoulder didn’t get the bursitis. It lasted a full year, too.”

“Oh, eeek. I hope Doug does better than that…”

“I hope so, too,” she said. “Because you know what comes after bursitis, right?”

“I’m not sure…”


So, see? I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried.

Posted by Katy on 05/21/08 at 02:14 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katy,

    My husband and I were coming home from a trip to Montana and stopped in a little Ma-Pa cafe for breakfast. One table over sat a little old man and his good friend, who kept adjusting their hearing aids. They talked loud enough to enterain the whole place, and my writer's ear perked up.

    "Did you hear about ol' Ed?"


    "Got them cataracts taken off."

    "No kiddin'."

    "Says he can hear better than he has in years."
    Posted by Photo Buffet  on  05/21/08  at  02:45 PM
  2. I hope you guys are feeling better. I miss you.
    Posted by alison  on  05/21/08  at  04:29 PM
  3. awww, Katy, it's no secret that life on this planet is a tragicomedy. If we're not laughin', we're cryin'. I prefer to laugh. Thanks for being one of those who can see and then tell the humor in the ordinary and the trying events of life.
    Posted by anne  on  05/21/08  at  06:08 PM
  4. Oooh, hope Doug doesn't get bursitis in another area -- or pleurisy. Though thanks for the good laugh over the connection between dude ranches and illnesses.
    Posted by Gracie  on  05/22/08  at  02:41 AM
  5. i am not sure what either of those maladies are and i haven't taken the time to google them... but i sure enjoyed a good chuckle over this post. not at doug mind you, but the stories of your mother really crack me up. thanks for the laugh and quick healing for doug!
    Posted by joshua  on  05/25/08  at  11:41 PM
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