Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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And A Lifetime’s Not Too Long…To Live As Friends

By now, we all know that nothing lasts forever, except, well…forever.

But when you get to be my age, you also come to realize that a few things come awfully close. I’ve got a picture of myself standing on my grandmother’s brand new Victorian reproduction settee, when I was a toddler of two. I wore patent leathers and a scratchy crinoline petticoat underneath my flocked velvet and dimity dress, but baby, I had a huge smile on my face.

I couldn’t have known then that someday Grandma’s sofa would be an antique and a family heirloom, taking up residence in my own living room, where I’d often picture my future grandchildren standing in the middle of it, having their portraits made. A few things really do last nigh unto forever.

3rd Grade St. Elizabeth'sMore valuable than the things, though, are the people, the ones who’ve known you since before you could read or write or exchange notes in the third grade by lifting up the lids on those made-for-sneaky-chatter desks at St. Elizabeth’s Catholic School, Miss Byrnne’s class, 1963. I took this picture myself with my brand new Brownie Starmite camera, and it must have been class picture day at school, which explains why we weren’t dressed in our navy blue uniforms and saddle oxfords. See that cute little brunette on the far right, in the front? I saw her again tonight quite by accident, my friend Patty, and I’ve got to say she looks exactly the same. But why wouldn’t she? I just met her in 1959, which seems like only a few days ago when my mind plays tricks on me. Other days, it feels like the better part of forever.

KatyBy 1968, we graduated from the eighth grade. Here we are in our official class pictures. Patty’s hair is curly now and mine is not so long, but honestly? We’re the same girls we’ve always been.

Katy and PattyOn our eighth grade class outing, they actually let Patty drive the motor boat. I didn’t look frightened, but I’m pretty good at keeping a poker face when I’m scared out of my wits. And where the heck were our life jackets? I couldn’t swim as far as the next boat (the one containing Tim and Danny and Biff) to save my life, but I sure wouldn’t have admitted it on that glorious, carefree day.

To have people in my life who go back as far as I go with Patty, well. It grounds me, it gives me a rootedness that makes me happier than any material possession.

And it makes me so very thankful to think that some friends really do last forever.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/07/07 at 06:23 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Patty--Correct if I'm wrong about the date of the last pic. That's Beth B. lying down in the boat with us. I THINK it was late spring, 1968, but could it have been in high school? I bet you'll remember!
    Posted by Katy  on  01/07/07  at  08:24 PM
  2. I don't remember, but it looks more like grade school than high school. Seems like I also might have had a shorter 'do at St. T's. Thanks for the good memories. It was great to see you!
    Posted by Patty  on  01/08/07  at  11:11 AM
  3. What a precious gift, to have a friend that long. I loved this post, Katy.
    Posted by Macromoments  on  01/11/07  at  04:49 PM
  4. MacroBonnie--Sometimes, we have to low down long enough to see what's right in front of us, huh? Lifelong friendships have truly been a blessing from God, and I need to show these ladies (and a few men) some love. They are precious gifts, indeed.
    Posted by Katy  on  01/13/07  at  04:56 PM
  5. Yes... some friends come as true blessings...though their number is very low. You are one of those lucky persons who have real friends....
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