Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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A Higher Class Of Clutter, But Still…

Many of you will remember that last fall I impulsively purchased a book just for its title: "How To Lose 200 Lbs. This Weekend!" by Don Aslett.

I already own too many diet books to list here, one of which I will forever kiss with joy every time I pick it up, because it changed my life. (Thank you, Dr. Atkins.)

But "How To Lose 200 Lbs. This Weekend" isn't THAT kind of diet book. It's the other kind, the one where you put yourself on a reduced-clutter diet.

I actually WEIGHED bags of stuff as I hauled them to the car, just so I could make sure I really dropped a minimum of 200 that first weekend of decluttering. If I remember correctly, I lost more like 1500 pounds! And that was just the first weekend!

But now, you see, garage sale season is upon us. And as exemplary as I'm being in not even LOOKING at other people's knick-knacks and paddy-whacks, I do have a problem. I might as well admit it here.

Hello. My name is Katy, and I'm a compulsive couch collector. That's right, I wouldn't even dream of bringing home something I could lift, or even something that would fit in our Saturn wagon. Where's the challenge in that? Unless its bulk and heft requires two men and a truck to move it, it's not for me.

Kev is taking two, maybe three couches with him when he moves out, including the couch that got me started on this grand obsession when I was just nineteen. Hopefully, he'll take his leave before garage sale season ends, because, well...this place ain't gettin' any bigger.

Just so you know, when he hauls couch in a couple months, I'll still have five couches, counting the darling cottage-floral love seat I picked up for $75 on Saturday.

Of course, I meant to say I picked it out, not up. That took two men and a truck.

Anything you just can't pass up? Like a stray puppy or an unloved kitty or a scraggly Christmas tree? Something that tugs at your heartstrings, making you believe that no one in the world could treat it as good as you will, and so you must save it from a fate worse than purchase?

Please share! Missouri loves company.
Posted by Katy on 05/10/05 at 02:14 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Couches?! Oh Katy, you are priceless! I love it. BTW, I have four.
    Posted by lisa  on  05/11/05  at  09:33 AM
  2. Missouri loves company? Oh, that's just really awful... :D!
    Posted by Kevin  on  05/11/05  at  12:27 PM
  3. Lisa--You only have four couches because you're a full ten years younger than I. Just you wait, girlie! These things take time. By the way, I noticed your latest blog entry is about materialism. Hmmmph. I hope you don't think I'm materialistic because I'm NOT, unless you count chintz, of course. ;)

    Kevin--Hey, I've missed you! See? Missouri really does love company. I'm going to go catch up on your blog...
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  05/11/05  at  01:37 PM
  4. My sister can't help herself when it comes to dishes. I have no idea how many sets she has! I used to have a weakness for dishes, glasses, and vintage clothes - particularly party clothes. But my recent decluttering has been so heart-wrenching I am finding it easier to just say no.
    Posted by edieraye  on  05/11/05  at  09:02 PM
  5. Well, if you feel so inclined, my fiancee and I need a couch when we move in together in July... :)
    Posted by Brandon Edling  on  05/12/05  at  12:47 AM
  6. I'd beg you for a couch, Katy, but (a) I live in Canada and (b) my new roommate will be bringing a couch with her when she moves in this July. A couch, high-speed internet access, and a complete home entertainment system. I have an unplugged twelve-inch screen for my Super Nintendo. With this girl around, I might never leave our home again. :)
    Posted by Steph  on  05/13/05  at  12:45 AM
  7. My weakness is for books. I see them and I just want to buy them. It's more than just wanting to read them; I want to own them, to display them on my shelf and to feel the comfort & security of knowing they're all mine. I need help.

    "Hello, my name is irene, and I am a book-buyer-holic."
    Posted by irene  on  05/13/05  at  08:53 AM
  8. Irene and I are bibliophiles. We not only like to read them. We know they deserve a place of honor. Mine get placed on shelves as decorations. So there, Better Homes Than Mine, er, & Gardens. Does anyone have a weakness for bookshelves they'd like help with? (smile)
    Posted by Paula  on  05/13/05  at  03:21 PM
  9. I'm commenting here cause your other two posts are full of the 50 comments, so count this towards another dollar for your daughter! :)
    Posted by Kat  on  05/17/05  at  02:21 AM
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