Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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A Return To Thrift

There will be some of you fallible readers who have no idea what I’m talking about when I use the term “passbook savings,” but maybe you’ll understand after I explain the concept.

In the old days, Americans regularly engaged in something called “thrift.” Part of thrift, besides concentrating on spending less than you earn, revolved around the possession of one, or more than one, little booklets.

These booklets, which fit easily into the palm of the owner’s hand, were called passbooks. They were intended to pass back and forth between the owner of the related savings account and the institution itself. Each time a deposit or withdrawal to the account was made, the banker updated the passbook with the current transaction, the pennies in interest the depositor had earned since the last transaction, and the resulting balance in the account.

Then the owner took the passbook back home, where he or she referred to it often, with the result of elation if the account balance was rising, and something akin to despair if the balance had necessarily fallen. The passbook owner viewed that little book like an autobiography, back in the day. It told the story of his level of personal responsibility, his love and concern for his family, and his optimistic hopes for a future free from dependency on the dubious kindness of the government.

Passbook savings accounts have fallen out of favor, I’m afraid. I myself had one that languished for years like an overtold joke in the bottom of my desk drawer. Could there possibly—-in this day of online accounts with no brick or mortar anywhere to be found—-be any financial instrument more antiquated and hopelessly out of date than the humble passbook?

Honestly, I’ve got some food ration tickets left over from my mother’s teenage years during World War II. I’ve got some old books of Green Stamps, too, which Mom was no doubt saving until she had enough to trade them in for a piece of Pyrex. They are ephemeral pieces of history I’d never part with, and I’d decided to hold onto my passbook to add to the pile of nostalgic relics my children might come to enjoy someday.

But then the unthinkable happened. I decided to diversify out of online savings, and into a couple of ancient accounts I still had open here in Kansas City. And so, as I sorted through the contents of my drawer of artifacts, I found my old passbook.

I’ve sent three deposits through the U.S. Postal Service so far. Each time, I write a physical check, fill out a physical deposit slip in my neatest penmanship (I’ve reverted to keeping meticulously neat records of all our financial transactions. A healthy respect for my money might make more of it want to hang around longer….), and place both pieces of paper inside the passbook. Then I mail them in the postage paid envelope the Savings and Loan provides.

If you think I’m weird, so be it, but the simple thrill of receiving the passbook back in the post several days later——freshly updated with my new higher balance and upwards of several cents of interest!—-makes me want to repeat the whole process again right that very second.

These are old-fashioned values, to be sure. Believe me, I’ve been around the thrift/spendthrift block often enough to know what’s what. But I never anticipated that a time would come again in which I’d receive so much instant gratification from deferred gratification.

All thanks to a little piece of Americana called the passbook savings account.

A piece of Americana whose time may be coming around again.

Posted by Katy on 01/14/09 at 06:31 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katy,
    Can we return to the simpler and more personal times of passbook savings and S&H;green stamps. Passing on the discipline and rituals of "saving" money - not investing it with some anonymous mutual fund (though I suppose we should not abandon that practice completely, let's just change it alittle. Whenever you financial advisor thinks you should invest in something, he should come over to your house, sit down at the dining room table and explain what you might gain and/or how you might loose with this investment). I too remember the joy of passbook savings. Now I move money from checking to savings online. It does still thrill me to see those numbers rise, bit holding the book in your hand does have a certain "special" thrill to it.
    Thanks for the flashback. And keep passbooking!!
    Posted by Sandi Thompson  on  01/15/09  at  04:21 PM
  2. I had passbook savings accounts, too--in fact we had one not long ago (last year) but the bank got bought and now we just get a statement.

    My kids have savings accounts, but the receipt they get which shows their new balance when they make a deposit isn't, in my opinion, quite as cool as a passbook was--though they seem quite happy with the arrangement. Then again, they have no idea what they are missing!
    Posted by D'Ann Mateer  on  01/15/09  at  04:23 PM
  3. I had one of these when I was a kid. My baby-sitting money was sent to "Allstate" in California where my mother recalls I received 7% interest! It accumulated throughout high school and was my start up fund when my adult life began.

    I am now a fan of face to face banking. I make a point to get to know the faces, if not the names, of clerks in my local banks. At times in the past this has paid off--when children tried to cash their CD's before they were old enough or to withdraw small amounts from savings funds when they were not authorized to. Personal banking pays off.
    Posted by Terri  on  01/15/09  at  05:51 PM
  4. Ah, you do have a way with words. I love the line: "I never anticipated that a time would come again in which I’d receive so much instant gratification from deferred gratification."
    Posted by violet  on  01/16/09  at  05:07 AM
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    Posted by Harry-avandia lawyer  on  02/12/09  at  06:29 AM
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    Posted by Adam-Victoria Mortgage Brokers  on  03/19/09  at  03:59 AM
  7. Do you know, with heightened environmental awareness, another audience has join the thrifty folks. The Eco-thrifting is a finely tuned method to reduce one's carbon footprints with positive shopping behavior. These people not only seeks to save cash but also save carbon points.
    Posted by Mika  on  08/15/09  at  02:02 PM
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