Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Make-Up Sex?

Doug and I have been a little grouchy with each other recently. When we both got the flu at the same time over New Year’s, I think it got a bit overwhelming. We’d say things to each other like, “Do you have the strength to pour the coffee?” And then the other would say, pitifully, “No. I was hoping you could raise your arm that high….” Pathetic, eh?

Plus, he fell somewhat behind on his work (ah, the curse of the self-employed: No holidays, no sick days, no personal days, no matching 401K, and prohibitively expensive health insurance that delights in attempting to deny your claims…). Now he’s been in major catch-up mode, putting in 15-hour days, 7 days per week.

When his mother goes in the hospital, I cover for him. When mine goes in the hospital, well…you get the idea. So, we’re cranky.

Today, we had this conversation, our attempt at making up.

Katy: I’m really going to try to be nicer, Doug.

Doug: Me, too.

Katy: Maybe if I try and you try, we’ll somehow make our way back to Square One.

Doug, who leans in to kiss Katy: Maybe even Square Two.

Katy: Um…I think you’re thinking Base Two.

Doug: Oh. Yeah.

Posted by Katy on 01/20/09 at 04:16 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I think you hit a home run with this post, Katy! ; )
    Posted by Deb Raney  on  01/20/09  at  06:26 PM
  2. Oh, boy.
    Posted by Cathy West  on  01/20/09  at  07:41 PM
  3. Wow, that's almost as disturbing as thinking about my parents having makeup sex. Almost.
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